The Aura is an energy field that surrounds
all living things, comprised of magnetic energy this field is unique to each individual. Humans are complex and dynamic, constantly
changing beings and as such the auric field of each person is also unique and changing. When we perceive an event through
our senses this information is given meaning in our brain. This electrochemical process has an effect on the body, the brain
sends electrical and chemical information through our body constantly regulating everything from how we feel emotionally,
to how we feel physically. The path of flow for information in our body is the spine. As information comes from the brain
and travels down the spine a direction of current flow is established, at a right angle to this flow of magnetic energy is
your personal field or Aura.
The Aura contains much information
about us, this info can give us clues as to what has happened in the past, what sort of energies we are letting ourselves
be open to in the future. Also past physical ailments or the beginning of new ones. Depending on the number of colors, the
position of these colors, the shade of any particular color and many other factors such as the overall shape of your Aura,
size, and how quickly your auric colors change gives us a wealth of information concerning your past, and your future possibilities.
What Does An Aura Look Like?
Imagine a space filled with light.
Energy flows and swirls through it in bright colors. this life energy moves around you as you sit directly in the center.
This place is your Aura, your own personal universe. It constantly moves and changes as you move and change. Some people see
as many as nine layers, most seven layers. It can extend as little as a few centimeters to many feet away from the body. The
size of your Aura is unique to you. Auras are flexible - they are changing all the time in size, colors and patterns. If you
are someone that is very out going and likes to be noticed, your aura would be bigger then someone that is timid and likes
to blend in with the crowd, not really drawing attention to themselves. This person would tend to have a smaller aura for
they draw it in closer to their body.
With each breath your Aura is in movement.
The colors are changing and moving all the time. We do hold prominate colors, some refer to this as "signature colors." When
I first started to see Aura's I would see a solid color, this color gave me a clarity on that individuals personality. The
color we radiate is affected by our physical surroundings as well as by the people we come in contact with and the energy
fields they radiate.
What Do The Colors Mean?
The color chart listed below is the
copyright of Mark Smith's book, Auras - See Them in Only 60 Seconds! If you are interested in learning more about colors of
your aura and how they relate to the organs of your body, the chakras, and personality traits,
General Colors
Purple - Spiritual attainment, divine
connection, mystical understanding, cosmic consciousness.
Indigo - Inspired thought or deep
wisdom. Can show spirituality and devotional nature. Artistic and harmonious with nature. Self-mastery.
Blue - Strong mental powers, intelligence,
logical thinking. Clear blue shows intuitive capabilities; "out of the blue." Dark shades show over analytic, suspicious nature
or visionary mentality.
Green- Balance, harmony, healing,
the calming force. Clear green shows adaptability, versatility. Dark shades are deceitful, jealous; "green with envy."
Yellow - Love and kindness, compassion,
optimism; "breath of life." Dark, lifeless yellow shows suspicion, covetousness.
Orange - Energy and health, physical
vitality, dynamic force. Pride can result from an excess of orange in the aura. Dark or cloudy orange shows low intellect.
Red - Physical life, vitality, ambition,
sexual power. Dark or cloudy red shows violent or passionate tendencies; "red with rage."
Other Colors
Scarlet - Lust, lower passions, materialism.
Rose Pink - Selfless love, gentleness,
Brown - Avarice, selfishness.
Gold - Higher self, good qualities,
Silver - Versatility, High energy,
constant change.
Gray - Depression, low energy, fear.
Black - Sinister, malice, evil intent.
Love Colors
What follows is love colors,
RED : Reds usually love sex. For them
it's a hearty, wanton, playful, and joyful physical release. Reds don't necessarily need to be in love to enjoy sex, since
sheer physical pleasure is the most important thing. They are passionate lovers and are not afraid to fully experience their
sexuality and turn their fantasies into reality! Red signifies high energy, physical and emotional driver. If you want to
have an exciting fling with a partner who takes control, choose red.
ORANGE : Orange needs space. If you're
consumed in your career or need a lot of time for yourself, choose a partner with a lot of orange in his or her aura. An orange
is fun when s/he is around, loves adventurous, high-energy sex like a red, but an orange will not be too demanding. People
with orange auras are usually extremely creative, independent, often athletic, and frequently need to take off on some high
adventure or jump full-bore into a creative project to test their limits. An orange might ask you to go sky diving or bungee
YELLOW : Yellows love to sit around
and discuss, theorize and analyze. You'll often find them hanging out in bohemian cafes, huddled around steaming espressos
- enthusiastically debating how to solve the worlds problems. To them, life is one great mental riddle that can be solved
in a logical and systematic manner. Innately curious, a yellow is always asking questions. Like Star Trek's Mr. Spock, a yellow's
approach to life is primarily mental and cerebral. A yellow would probably rather discuss your political views on a first
date than ravish your body. If you are turned on by intelligence, quick wit, and an optimistic attitude about life, go with
Mr. or Ms. Yellow.
GREEN : Greens come from the heart,
and their generosity and compassion know no limits. They are often innately caring and want to heal the world. Greens can
be doctors, nurses, teachers, therapists, and social workers. They want to serve and make the world a better place to live
in. Greens make tender, loyal, caring lovers, as much concerned with your pleasures as with theirs. They also tend to love
children and animals, enjoy domesticity and family life. Greens can also be ambitious - striving to reach the top of their
field. Not only kind, this person is often financially well off.
BLUE : Blues are sensitive. They have
a great depth of feeling and crave intimacy and meaningful communication. They are often thoughtful and introspective. Blues
are not usually materialistic: a rich, spiritual, contemplative, and creative life is more important to them than monetary
wealth. Above all, blues wish to be in loving, supportive relationships to which they can generously give and reveal themselves.
With blues, love and sex go hand in hand. If you want to be with somebody who is true and emotionally there for you, choose
a blue.
PURPLE : Expect the unexpected with
a purple! These fascinating nonconformists live in the wonderful, wild worlds of their unlimited imaginations. Often purples
would rather daydream and fantasize about sex rather than actually do it. Fantasy and role playing are not out of the question
for a purple. Purples, who tend toward passivity, usually enjoy physical intimacy only after they feel safe and trust a caring
partner. If you want to take the lead in a relationship and explore your fantasies, then purple may be for you.
FUCHSIA PINK : This vibrant color
sometimes appears in a particular part of the aura or may color the entire field. I don't define this color as a category,
but rather as a sign which indicates the person is falling in love, or about to. Fuchsia pink also represents universal or
unconditional love. Often, people who are very close and spend a lot of time together will "match energy" and their auras
will look almost identical. Their energy fields vibrate to the same frequency, and are in balance. Partners in such relationship
will feel very comfortable and in harmony with one another. The energy of love also vibrates at a very high frequency rate.
When one is in love the aura expands and intensifies its color and brilliancy. Isn't it always easy to tell when someone is
in love? Their whole being seems to sparkle and shine, and they look more alive. You're actually noticing and responding to
their extra vibration.
How To See The Aura
Soft or low light is the best condition in which to first see the aura. It also helps to
be relaxed, so bed is the best place to try this next experiment.
1. Turn off the lights. You don't
want to work in pitch-black conditions and in most cases the street lights filtering through the curtains will provide enough
light. If not, leave the landing light on and close the bedroom door. The small amount of light seeping underneath the door
frame should be enough to work with.
2.As you lie in bed, hold your hands
straight out in front of you. Look gently at them, don't stare hard- you need to gaze rather than look. The aura rarely appears
as a bright light, it is more like a gentle heat haze.
3. Try fixing your attention on your
hands while focusing your eyes on the bedroom wall. The hands will appear out of focus but this will help you get the knack
of the way to look.
4. Now very slowly bring the fingertips
of each hand towards each other until they are very close but not touching. The aura will appear as fine lines of blue and
red light between the finger tips. You can try the same again just using the index fingers of both hands.
5. As you draw the hands apart you
will see the streams of energy connecting each finger. Imagine the energy increasing and you will see the light glow brightly.
Bringing the fingers tantalisingly close together in this way seems to increase the auric flow. It's just like when you bring
two opposite poles of magnets together: you feel the attraction suddenly increase as the fields unite.
Human Energy System and Aura
Much has been written about the energy of living things but there is little
scientific evidence. The energy field surrounding living things is difficult or impossible to measure using current scientific
techniques. However, science and spirituality are on a convergent course. Eventually, we will have instruments that can reflect
an individual's state of balance. When we turn the corner from science, we must consider the universal characteristics of
energy. Quantum physics states that energy and matter are interchangeable. In a similar fashion, each human is composed the
divine energy of the Soul in the form of body, thought, and spirit. Energy does not emanate or reflect from a person; the
energy is the person, the core. This understanding is fundamental to maintaining your energy field and body in harmony. Since
the body is a manifestation of human energy, dis-harmony in the energy field will cause dis-ease in the body. If the human
energy field is out of balance, the body will be out of balance.
The Soul - you as your essential nature plus experience
Soul is coherent, intentional system,
fulfilling its nature. It is God individualized as you and carries your real ideals and commitments, and gives character to
your conscience. This divine energy is formless, timeless, and eternal. Soul is the essence as a fulfilling holiness.
The Personality- composed of the high self, conscious self, and basic self
The High Self is a spiritual consciousness
that is our higher nature as personality. From a practical standpoint, it can function as our guides, soul, and connection
to God. It is the energy of life and form. It is creative and non-inflictive. The High Self exists as a spiritual form in
our personal consciousness, which is always in contact with spirit. When I use the word spirit, it is the Holy Spirit and
refers to forces beyond our personal domain. High Self is within our personal domain. Sometimes people use the term higher
power. That may refer to anything higher than the conscious awareness of self and may lump High Self/spirit/etc. all into
one thing, which for all practical purposes is fine. As a spiritual expression it follows the same procedures as any spiritual
agent, in that it responds to requests. It guides us in our destiny. You might say it is an agent of our soul. It is not soul,
but soul-like. It works closely with the Conscious Self and Basic Self. As the guardian angel, it links us with our soul,
the universe, and the High Self of others. Because the High Self exists in a spiritual dimension, it cannot violate anyone
or anything. Even if the High Self has better wisdom, it will not supersede our conscious choice unless we ask it to.
The Conscious Self is our waking life
and creates new awareness. It is creative and innocent until a choice is placed into action. Its function is to be the vanguard
of new experience and here we make choices and gain skill. As we grow in awareness and spiritual illumination, we extend the
Conscious Self and become increasingly able to live in the awareness of the High Self and be conscious of the dynamics of
the Basic Self. It mediates all three selves.
The Basic Self is our survival instinct
and provides energy according to how we structure our beliefs and make our choices. It is loyal though noncreative and contains
our family patterns, social norms and mores, an archetypal pattern of our destiny, our inner child, the seat of body intelligence,
and the will to survive. Its job is to maintain the status quo. In other words, the Basic Self has assimilated the beliefs
developed through our life span and believes we will die if we change them. The reality of the Basic Self is habit and
its self-will fights changes in habit. It will, however, respond to our authority and yield to any transformation that facilitates
the actualization of our destiny. Many people have more than one Basic Self - such as male-female, play-persistent, young-old
- which gives different perspectives.
Aura is a traditional term
for the protective psychic and spiritual energy fields that surround and penetrate the physical body. Historically, artists
depict halos around the heads of individuals to denote their spirituality. Biblically, writers refer to the raiment or countenance
of light in an attempt to describe the field of spiritual energy around angels, men, and women. It is from this invisible
atmosphere that we receive our first impression of people. We use common-sense terms such as blue mood, red with anger, green
with envy, full of energy, or radiant beauty. Such terms are similar to how individuals with spiritual sight describe the
aura. From this intuitive nature, we form impressions and experience emotions and feelings regarding them and ourselves. Quantum
physics describes the universe as energy, with energy and matter interchangeable. Psychology, Eastern therapy, and complementary
medicine have terms for life as energy. Yoga psychology views the aura as an energy field surrounding the body, interacting
through spiritual and psychological levels via structures called chakras. So we may conclude that the aura is an energy field
that surrounds the physical body and is discernible to those of psychical sight. It encircles each of us as the sun's rays
encircle the sun or the halo that surrounds the moon. The appearance of the aura, whether attractive or repulsive, depends
on one's physical health, mental attitudes, and spiritual development. The human aura is a dynamic matrix that includes the
physical, emotional, and mental-spiritual aspects of self. The aura is the self as energy. All the contributing factors in
our daily life register in our aura as colors, lines, dots, emanations, and vibrations. Every one of us is different, and
our hidden selves are expressed through the aura. Those individuals who live on a strictly physical, mental, and material
level have an entirely different emanation than those individuals who are intellectual and spiritual.
The Aura and Noetic Field
To the ancient Greeks, the mind is
a spiritual faculty. Nous is their term for the intentional, purposeful intelligence that controls and orders the world of
matter. Nous emerges from the void as the wind of spirit or the first emanating spirit of creation. Noetic derives from nous
and is the structure of perception and understanding in our experience of that relationship or correlation between nous and
form. The noetic field is an interacting psycho-spiritual energy that has an implicit intelligence and knows how to interrelate
and synchronize with all elements within that coherent system. We are a microcosmic noetic field, and the universe is a macrocosmic
noetic field. The noetic field is a sustaining, nurturing, intelligent life field that is universally present. This field
can be compared with grace, dharma, nirvana, and heaven. As noetic beings, we have the capacity to generate a noetic field
and, by doing so, interface with the universal noetic field.
The psycho-spiritual structure that
we call personality forms an energy field or noetic matrix around the physical body that can be discerned through extended
awareness or specialized, electronic instruments. Ancients called this the human aura. The aura has a degree of materiality
or substance (a body) that is localized around a person. It is held together in much the same way as the physical body, by
the presence of self.
Auric Levels
It is generally believed that he human
aura has seven major levels. The physical and etheric levels extend about six inches to a foot from the physical body. The
imaginal and emotional auric levels extend about two feet from the body and incorporate the physical and etheric levels. The
mental, archetypical, and spiritual auras extent approximately three feet from the body and incorporate the other levels.
The archetypal aura contains the map
of our destiny. It is like a template, things you must do. In your growth you need to learn something. You are given as many
experiences as you need to learn that. It can be one or a hundred, all the same to the template. It's like going home - you
can go many ways and have many experiences, but you get home, and thus satisfy your template.
When reflected outside of us, we see
the archetypes as the pantheon of gods. When internalized, these archetypes are the angels of destiny, the gods that dwell
inside us. As life-long learning, our destiny is synonymous with our Soul's curriculum. We came into physical life with an
internal, archetypical lesson plan. The archetypical level is in our subconscious.
The spiritual aura reflects our transcendent
nature into our psychological, social, and physical realities. It reflects and responds to the balance and alignment of all
levels. The balancing energy acts as wholeness and moves through the chakras and levels as a process of breathing. Each of
the other levels provides a conduit for spiritual energy. As the aura becomes balanced, the spiritual level becomes more evident.
Through our mental aura and mentality,
we construct our relationship to our destiny, karma, and inner life; reflects our beliefs, concepts, and attitudes. Though
feelings and emotions are often keys to our beliefs, our mental activity decides what we will build as our internal structure,
and how we project ourselves into life. We shape our reality with our minds. Our mind is the constructor, the builder. It
reflects our associative ability through which we internalize and develop our integrative learning and personality. This level
also dissociative and reflects the constraints that divide us from and within ourselves and from each other. Mental heath
or mental illness is reflected in this level.
The emotional aura carries the artifacts
of our feelings and emotional reactions and actions; registers our fulfillment and longs for peace; reflects our warmth, devotion,
and what we care about. Emotions give rise to our beliefs and judgments and the impetus to pursue our vision. The emotional
aura reflects an aspect of our dharma or causal body (the force that determines and sets causation into our lives). It is
balanced through powerful, universally oriented, non-manipulative, unconditional loving. It is the source of our drive for
power and dominance, and powers our adversarial and competitive nature. The emotional aura is also the source of passion and
the total embracing, loving heart that heals and forgives. It is our peacemaker.
The imaginal aura is the medium through
which we create and transform our circumstances. This aura can be developed as a function of perception or inner-seeing and
creativity. Intention, positive self-image, visual learning, visualization and healing, manifestation and success are generated
and reflected in this level. Used integratively, it is a power force for connecting, integrating, and aligning all levels.
Used dissociatively, the imaginal level can be devastating. Delusions and obsessions are generated through and reflected in
this auric level. It is affected by drugs that create forms in the aura that are disconnected from the authentic processes
of creativity. Drugs disconnect you from the ability to complete, fulfill, or enhance the soul's purposes. They effectively
help us avoid life and the challenges and rewards that our soul is destined to fulfill.
The etheric aura is a blueprint or
archetype for the physical body. Meridians and chakras appear in this formation. The etheric body or double acts as a template
for the physical body and appears as an energy matrix. It is described in chi-gung as meridians that transmit chi to the body.
Balance and alignment of the aura affect the meridians and their functioning. The meridians interact with the organs and the
chakras interact with the endocrine system and nerves.
The physical aura reflects physical trauma, cell memory, physical health, and somatogenic beliefs
and emotions. It penetrates the physical and etheric bodies and reflects the state of the energy fields. In balance, it can
accommodate enhanced forces deeper in the psyche.